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Canning Day!!!

We had our friends from Sessions Craft Canning stop by on Monday to help us package 3 different brands in cans!

Now as things tend to go... this was our back up day. Originally we were going to can one week earlier but due to problems with the labels we had to postpone a week. We were also supposed to can 4 brands but because of delays (not related to drinking beer...) we were only able to can 3 of the 4 brands we had planned. So we have 3 brands available now, and lucky us, we get to do it all over again next week! Bring on another day of Canning!

A lot of people have asked why we didn't announce the release before the day of. To which we say see above. Here are some photos of our day!


Artwork by Jason Fisher/Jon Todd
Label design by Dave Murray (http://davemurrayillustration.com/)

Last Year we brewed & packaged Crack a Window at Sawdust City, and they made the label without showing us until it was released. This year we did the same!

Artwork & label design by Dave Murray (http://davemurrayillustration.com/)

Artwork & label design by Dave Murray (http://davemurrayillustration.com/)

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