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Summer Brews

We seemed to have blown through spring and jumped right into Summer weather! So here is a list of Indie’s Summer beers coming up!




Session IPA 5%

This low ABV IPA pours a bright hazy yellow. Made with Citra, Calypso & Ekuanot hops it packs a bitter punch along with a light body & hint of citrus.
Available in the bottle shop & on tap now.



Blood Orange Imperial Wit 7.5%

Half the batch aged a year in a Tequila Barrel, half aged a year in a Cognac barrel and then blended. Tart, boozy
This year we added a lot more Blood orange giving the beer a deeper red hue. 
Bottles of Sunkicked will be available in the bottle shop Friday, June 1st!
Sunkicked is apart of the Indie Alehouse's Fates & Furies Series.



American Farmhouse Ale 5%

Using a blend of fruity yeasts and Brettanomyces, this farmhouse ale has a generous amount of delicious late addition new world hops contributing to a tropical aroma.
Everyone deserves a Goldstar!
Goldstar will be available in store in the first half of June 2018.

Lemonade Stand Sour  - Artwork by Alexy Berezov copy.jpg

Lemonade Stand

Dry-hopped Lemon & Lactose Sour 5%

This beer has already hit the shelves of the bottle shop once this year and flew out the door fast.
Look for the Lemonade stand in the second week of June and more versions of it all Summer, while supplies last.
Watch our social media for an exact date.



Watch for details regarding the events below.



The Fates & Furies series of Indie Alehouse beers are a collection of wild fermented, barrel aged, funky and sour beers. Some beers are made with a brewmaster trying to control every stage of production to produce the exact same beer every time.

But there also exists another kind of beer...something very different.

The Fates & Furies beers are made with older techniques that produce amazing untraditional results. Using wild yeast, bacteria and unpredictable varietals like barrel aging and fresh fruits, these beers taste like no other common beer, and we're very happy about that.

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